Faith Formation

Because we are a small community, we understand the importance of family. And yours is just as important to us as our own. Because, in Christ, we are all part of the same family. We strive to meet your family’s needs in this fast-paced and ever-changing world. The only thing that will always remain the same is the Word of God, the promise of Jesus Christ for you. However, we understand that today’s world looks, feels, and happens differently than it did in the past. And because of this, we are constantly working to make St. John’s work for your family. We want this to be a place of faith formation and development for your entire family. A home for your faith to grow into the strong fortress that God intends it to be.

To partake in any of these Faith Formations, please contact the church office at (507)723-5397.

Sunday School

Sunday school for all ages (3 -100+ years of age) meets Sunday mornings at 10:15 am in the education wing (children downstairs/adults upstairs) from Sept.-May.


For 8th and 9th graders, this class meets on Wednesday evenings throughout the school year at 6:00 pm. We eat together and work through our Lutheran traditions as a foundation of understanding our faith in Jesus Christ.

Bible Study

Join us for the weekly Bible Study on Thursdays throughout the year in the fellowship hall.


Is there any more special gift? Baptism is available for all at any time during the year. Just connect with Pastor Bennet.

1st Communion

The Lord’s table is open to any who wish to receive His forgiveness. And we want to help your child understand this. We offer this class for all 5th graders in the fall, and for anyone who wants to learn more.

Luther League

For 7th-12th grades, this group meets at the church the first Sunday of each month at 6:00 pm for fellowship, fun, and food. The three “F’s”!!!

Luther League also engages in activities quarterly that include mission work, outreach, and faith development.

Women of the Word

Our Women of the Word meet once a month, on the third Thursday. We invite all women to join us in serving the Lord.

Weekly Prayer

Every Wednesday evening, our prayer group meets to pray for the needs of our church, our community, our nation, and our world, as well as each family member by name.

Summer Camp

We sponsor our children to attend summer camp at Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camp where our kids have opportunities to relax, make memories, have fun, and grow in a deeper relationship with the Lord!

Book Club

Our book club meets on Sunday evenings throughout the year as we read through a book together to strengthen our faith.

Join us for faith-filled fellowship as we journey into a deeper understanding of our faith and our Lord.

The Kitchen Table Ministry

The Kitchen Table Ministry will be held each Thursday from 5:30-6:30PM. The idea is for people to have a place to come to during a hectic week and sit and eat with family, friends and even make new friends. No charge. Open to all people. Please see the calendar for additional details.

Right Now Media

All SJLC families have free access to this online resource of over 20,000 Biblically-based videos for small groups, families, students, leadership development, and much more. Email the church to sign up or follow this link on your computer to log in.
Click to access the login or register cheese

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