Table Ministry

September 4, 2024

We aim to provide good food, plenty of laughs, kindness, and time to connect with others. We encourage guests to just relax and let someone else do the cooking. (Meals are open to the public so spread the word and invite a friend.) With the addition of the Confirmation classes from St. Johns & St. Paul’s we anticipate serving around 50 people and hope that number will grow.

We invite others to partner with us and get involved. Coordinators will be on hand to help and guide you. If God is urging you to put your faith into action to adopt a Wednesday meal, just pick a specific Wednesday, then stop in at St. Johns and sign up on the bulletin board by the offices or contact the St. Johns church office @507-723-5397 to check availability. For more information please contact Kayla Moe @ 507-920-7861. Text preferred. Or by email at:
[email protected].

St John's Lutheran Church
224 Mary Ave
Springfield, MN 56087

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